The world population is increasing and so are the technical developments. This implies that we are affecting the way we live. Therefore, the sustainability of our planet is in danger. Hence, here comes the inevitable role of sustainable cities to secure the future.
Sustainability can be seen as a long term goal. Likewise, this is similar to any other life target, it is not easily attainable. However, that does not mean we choose the alternative easier path.
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Subsequently, below we will be discussing 4 sustainable cities. Their municipalities are doing their best to make a difference around the world:
4. Stockholm, Sweden

Number 4 on our list is Stockholm. It is a growing city that strives to be an attractive place for new residents. Simultaneously, it attempts not to harm the planet.
Over 2.3 million residents live in the urban area of the city. Additionally, this major metropolis has an aim to completely demolish the use of fossil fuels by 2040. Nonetheless, Stockholm is doing so by executing new policies that encourage a greener society.
The city is increasing its GDP growth annually, while lowering carbon dioxide emissions. Last but not least, the country as a whole, ranks first in the European Union in organic food consumption. Equally, it also tops the list in the usage of renewable energy and recycling of plastic bottles and cans. Keep up the good work Sweden!
3. Vancouver, Canada

This is easily one of the perfect cities to visit and live in due to its scenic surroundings comprising the ocean and mountains. Uniquely, all of these factors have made the city number 3 in our list. Named the highest-ranking North American City in 2016, Vancouver is leading the change across the continent in social, environmental and economical efforts.
Moreover, Vancouver is dedicated to getting 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2050. Recently, the city’s focus on clean energy and sustainability has led it to have the lowest greenhouse emissions per person for any other major North American City.
Comparatively, the Canadian city is making sustainable improvements to neighborhood’s energy consumption, striving to zero waste and continuing to develop its successful Greenest City 2020 Action Plan. Consequently, there is plenty of evidence showing how Vancouver is making steps towards becoming a leader in sustainable cities index for its residents.
2. Amsterdam, Netherlands

This fascinating city lands second in our list. Amsterdam is famous for being the best city for cycling, as it is the main type of transportation locally. However, when it comes to automobiles, the authorities are trying to reduce the number of emissions by introducing electric vehicles around the city.
Moreover, homes are also looking to become more eco-friendly. As a result, more homeowners are beginning to install solar panels on roofs and grow their own foods. Worthwhile, Amsterdam’s solid waste is burnt in incinerators to produce heat and power for the city.
Additionally, it has a special agreement with its taxi fleet. Correspondingly, all taxis within the city will have to be electric by 2025. Having said that, these cars are getting preferential treatment at certain taxi stands. Specifically, they have to wait less for their fares, making the switch to electric more profitable and efficient.
1. Copenhagen, Denmark

No surprise eh? Copenhagen is often ranked as one of the greenest cities on the planet and it tops our list. The capital is set to become the first CO2-neutral city by 2025. Correspondingly, this will be accomplished by improving mobility and transport. Additionally, encouraging people to cycle by introducing a more cycle-friendly highways and lanes around the city.
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The city has focused on reducing energy consumption by using an energy-efficient district heating system that connects to households. Moreover, it devised an innovative cooling technique that saves around 70% of the energy consumption, compared to traditional air conditioning. Additionally, organic eating is a trend in the city. Consequently, most of the food sale is fresh organic produce that does not harm neither nature nor humans…