Many events are shaping the world recently. With the rise of the Coronavirus pandemic and people getting confined to their houses, virtual reality is genuine more than ever.
Sometimes the real world may get tough, and people need an escape plan. Since most of our emotions are processed in the brain, then the solution might be simple. Therefore, if we can somehow manipulate this organ through virtual reality, much of the pain will subside.
Controversies have risen in recent years around this topic. Critics say that this is a vicious technology that will destroy our planet. On the other hand, supporters claim that it is the savior of our future.
Regardless which school of thought you might support, virtual reality is here to stay.
Virtual Reality in Travel

The recent travel restrictions imposed by many countries have put many travellers stranded. Those are either stuck at home or abroad. Many travel companies are struggling and started considering an exit to this issue. At the same time, many flights are grounded around the world, up to 90% some state as of early April 2020.
This is an unprecedented crisis in our modern history. Therefore, virtual reality might ease some of the financial losses imposed upon these companies. New problems have made our species more and more resilient.
Travel companies started branching out to virtual reality technologies. Many people are signing up. Moreover, travel guide tour operators have started implementing “just in case” scenarios for extended monthly/yearly periods of non-travel. These operators rely solely on tours and their insurance companies are unprepared to compromise such huge losses. The whole world might be in chaos right now, but as mentioned earlier, we are a resilient specie. Therefore, we will surely overcome. History proved it over and over and technology will surely assist this move.
VR in Gaming and Entertainment

The gaming industry has always been a strong proponent of virtual reality. Decades ago, youngsters have used networking centers to play video games in groups. Many games were very popular like Counter-Strike. This may have paved the way for the emerging tech giant of the gaming industry to soar.
Very recently, Fortnite has been the guru of the gaming world. Millions around the globe enjoy the game on a daily basis. These mainly include youngsters, children and gaming addicts from all walks of life. The game is a great breeding ground for the virtual reality landscape. This is mainly due to the fact that each member of the gaming tribe can assume a certain character. The avatars are very well equipped to transport gamers into a virtual world filled with all fantasies to simulate a real world. This “new life replica” is gaining momentum rapidly. As a result, thousands of new subscribers join the game on a daily basis.
Candycrush would be a bizarre example in this context. However, imagine using your whole arm, feet or even your whole body to crush your favourite candies to move to new levels of the game!
This single mobile app has hooked millions around the world to their mobile screens. Many feel this game is part of their life now, and they play it with friends and family. Therefore, the social aspect is already there which makes it another perfect example for VR.
Virtual Reality in Education

It’s not a new phenomenon to see tutors mentoring through video calls. Many people who learn languages have used this method for a long time now. However, what’s different now is that all students have abandoned schools in search for online education.
Of course, this requires a strong infrastructure to support the huge population trying to submit and upload forms online. This might be very challenging in developing countries. At the same time, it maybe a motive for such nations to enhance their internet network and increase coverage to reach rural areas.
Players of Wii Sports have long advocated the benefits of playing many games on this console. Tennis maybe one of the most famous games played on this platform. It simulates the same settings of the game and allows users to mimic the real game’s moves. This in turn is a great exercise.
Another benefit maybe triggered by the latest news of the Coronavirus. As we have been watching closely the updates in the recent weeks, this virus changed a lot of the norms. Schools were forced to shut down and later followed by businesses and many governmental entities. This has curbed the spread of the virus and fueled the need of distant cooperation. Therefore, many aspects of VR will be a great substitute in these scenarios to continue the normal operations.
Downsides of VR
One of the major drawbacks of this movement is the complete isolation. It is a well known fact that prisoners are punished by solitary confinement. Therefore, when people either voluntary or involuntary stay indoors and not socialize, a specific mental state arises. This is not a very favorable condition which may lead to undesired consequences when practiced on the long run.
Anxiety and depression are the most common cases for such isolation. Moreover, in extended cases of isolation, levels of distrust and hatred may soar. These two feelings cause humans not to trust each other, and that will have devastating effects on communities.
People with severe anxieties and panic attacks have exhibited cases of paranoia. These include feelings of being constantly watched by others or even worse, feeling they might be murdered by someone else.
Virtual reality is a double-edged sword. If we use it properly, it will help preserve our specie and ease problems of the modern world. Therefore, balance is needed when exercising a new technology. Perhaps a balance between the normal life routines and VR would be the best case scenario.