One book has created much of the world’s current political affairs, The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli from Florence. This man was a seasoned politician who knew how to play his cards right in the game of power.
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Many world leaders today are still referring to the tactics mentioned in the book. Even though most of the rules can be ruthless in some perspectives, others see them as a precious piece of advice to govern. But who was Machiavelli and what is his true impact on shaping powers in Italy, Europe and the world?
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Face from Florence behind The Big Story in Politics

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was born in 1469 in the Republic of Florence. Historically, a very powerful republic, currently a major city in central Italy. Florence has had a great impact on the culture of Italy and the western world. Moreover, the languages of Italy were very numerous during this era, however the Florentine phonetics have overcome other dialects.
Today, the official Italian language is based on the Florentine dialect and that gives a great indication to the extent of power this republic has exercised. However, it is essential to mention that Florence projected soft powers especially during the renaissance era. These were in the form of literature, arts and architecture.
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Motives for Machiavelli to Write The Prince
Machiavelli’s world was far from sharp distinction of black and white, evil and good. He lived in a truly tumultuous period where survival of the fittest prevailed in Europe. Many powers have thrown out one another, causing dramatic changes overnight. These turbulences became especially tricky for someone like Machiavelli who served as a decree writer for the government.
Thus, he was caught in the middle of wars between European powers and the Church’s interests. Therefore, he served as a mediator in the 1500s to resolve some of the struggles within central Italy and throughout Europe. Additionally, he took the role of an army man in defeating Pisa in 1509, after recruiting local farmers and training them.
He truly believed that mercenary forces are worthless at the core of war. This is one example of a priceless lesson leaders of the Two World Wars learned after more than 400 years of Machiavelli’s time.
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Machiavelli, The Prince and The Medici Family’s Game of Politics

In a turn of events, the Medici family has overtaken Florence and banished or killed its leaders. Machiavelli received severe torture as an accusation of treachery against the Medicis. However, he never cracked or confessed, but retaliated to his farm after his release. There, he would write his famous book, The Prince that would shape much of our current politics.
The Prince book can be summarized in one phrase: “ The ends justify the means”. This book was much more of a CV or a long resume of Machiavelli’s career, coagulated with unorthodox controversial advices.
For instance, he pledged that a leader should be feared and not loved. This is especially true if he is a newly appointed prince, like the Medici’s princes, and not a hereditary one. As a matter of fact, the book was intended to be a long document to Lorenzo di Piero de’Medici, the new ruler of Florence in 1519. It attempted to showcase the knowledge and experience that Machiavelli would bring to the table, if he was to resume his political career with the Medicis.
Controversies Surrounding The Prince Book
Many considered the book very vexed and the Catholic Church banned it. Nonetheless, Machiavelli claimed that it is a practical guide for creating a stable regime. As a result it contradicted much of the ideologies set earlier by philosophers such as Plato. Where the latter spoke of an ideal Utopian state in which commoners and nobles would all live happily under the umbrella of the ruler. Contrarily, Machiavelli sees it to be an impossible idea as people need severe restrictions through punishment for the wrong doings.
Today, the word Machiavellian is synonymous with evil and deceit. Even though the book is not very well received, many see a close resemblance between its principles and some aspects of current politics.
The Prince did not yield the effect that Machiavelli intended back then. It was centuries later where the book found its long awaited claim. Machiavelli spent the rest of his life writing other pieces of art that were deployed into plays.
These were the most famous works throughout his lifetime but not the dearest to his heart. He always kept politics as a great hobby for his amusement and indirectly influenced many politicians with which he kept strong ties. However, today these ties are much stronger and more globally dispersed than Machiavelli could have ever imagined.