A recent buzz has been created lately about the Mediterranean diet. So what is it and why are many people talking about it?
Interest in this food started in the late 50s and early 60s. In this period, studies commenced in the field of coronary heart diseases and strokes. The results showed a spectacular observation. In essence, researchers concluded that countries bordering the Mediterranean sea enjoyed a longer and healthier lifestyle. This in general led to a more satisfied life journey and an elongated one.
Having said that, let’s embark on a journey of understanding the essentials of this diet. Namely, to see how it can help save the lives of millions around the globe.
Lifestyles and Culture

The general guidelines for a healthy diet are easy to understand yet difficult to adopt. We often associate diet with our to-do list. Consequently, it becomes a difficult task to complete.
We often hear friends talk about starting their diet on Monday. This idea is majorly flawed in its essence for two main reasons. The first is the thought of a “Monday”, which is often associated with the beginning of the week and its laborious tasks. The second error is manifested in the notion of the diet itself. Our food regime should be a lifestyle and not a trial period. Not to mention that this period has a definitive start on Monday and usually an abrupt end by the next Wednesday!
It is generally very difficult to keep up with a good life balance, if we regard things as tasks and not a lifestyle. Diet is a mental process before being a physical one. Accordingly, we need to conceptualize our well-being and prioritize our health. Namely as these two factors combined form the corner stone of our life and without which, everything will fall apart.
Engineers build skyscrapers on highly solid foundations. Before they aim to reach the clouds, they dig deeply in the soil to make the first bases of the project. Similarly, we need to dwell in our minds, to see the reason behind our life choices, before we choose what to eat and drink.
Food Ingredients

The Mediterranean diet is a mixture of many wholesome and healthy ingredients. Accordingly, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, unsaturated fats like olive oil, herbs, spices, lots of fish and a little of red meat and poultry form the basis of this regime.
Studies conducted in Greece and Italy, showed a significant portion of less mortality rates associated with strokes, than in Northern Europe and America. The results were very clear that these Mediterranean countries knew how to lead the way when it came to healthy life choices.
Later, other countries from around the Mediterranean came into the picture, and similar results were yielded. This is very exciting, as each nation from this region has a very rich cuisine. Hence, there are infinite choices for foods and drinks.
Red wine, consumed moderately is another healthy component that should not be missed. However, this drink has two factors associated with it. Primarily wine has a great flavour that adds up to the enjoyment of a meal. On the other hand, this drink allows for a nice companionship with family and friends to enjoy their meal together. This notion is what we will further explore next.
Family and Friends

Other facet of the Mediterranean diet is the company of people who are enjoying the meal with each other. This is the secret recipe of this region and the reason behind those delightful smiles in this half of the globe.
Family is considered an essential part of their lives. The industrialized lifestyles may have reached this part of the world and increased the life pace. Nevertheless, it had definitely crippled to reach the dining tables and the warm hearts of these people.
Greek people amid their financial crisis have never ceased to support each other. In fact, this was the main reason this country kept going. Moreover, Greece is on the road to a healthy recovery nowadays.
On the other hand, the Spanish tapas and their afternoon siestas have elongated the lives of the people inhabiting this land. Besides, this lax attitude towards life hassles continues to open the door to many tourists to come and enjoy this beautiful country, as well as, interact with its cheerful men and women.
Likewise, Italy is regarded by most historians as the birthplace of the renaissance and the initiation of the cultural movements. All of this may have never taken place or shape in the course of history. Indeed, it is due to the culture, which was the proper soil for the seed of these amazing ideologies to grow and spread around the globe. Italians knew how to balance the joy for life and the movement forward in many fields. They helped Europe advance in many aspects and become the lovely continent which people look forward to visit and set their summer or winter homes within.
The Future of Mediterranean Diet

More and more people are joining the move towards a more sustainable lifestyle and simultaneously a more balanced nutritional intake. The Mediterranean diet is the answer to most requirements of our modern life, in terms of health and life choices.
Many people see vegetarian and vegan diets as a clever way to cleanse their bodies and minds. Specifically, vegan lifestyle followers believe in spreading the idea of keeping animal cruelty at bay.
On the other hand, a lot of people see that we are a carnivorous species. Consequently, we cannot survive properly without having sufficient amounts of meat being in the form of fish, poultry or red meats.
The Mediterranean diet is the middleman and it helps balance out the two philosophies and life choices we discussed previously.
Maybe a small portion of a lovely fruit desert might bring all different opinions to the same table, while enjoying the waves of the Mediterranean sea hit the picturesque beaches…